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== Relationships ==
==== Family ====
Dan is very fond of Chris’ company, even when he doesn’t really need his assistance. He will go to all lengths to spend time with Chris and to have him for himself. Commonly he will call him to come over to his apartment to help out with his plots or drops by Chris’ place without prior notice. He will even drag Chris around while unconscious ([[S1E5]]). Despite his affection, he takes advantage of Chris for money, shelter, human shield, work force and as a chauffeur.
We learn that Dan absolutely despises his mother ([[S3E1]]) and got into some rough arguments with his grandma, who passes away during the series, which allows Dan to get his hands on her famous devilled egg recipe ([[S2E1]], [https://www.facebook.com/pg/danvsshow/notes/?ref=page_internal the recipe, 'almost']).
Dan rescued a cat from an animal shelter, who he named [[Mr. Mumbles]], probably unaware of her gender. This is later revealed to him by a [[Hobo|homeless man]], who shoves her into his face, belly first, supposedly so he could take a closer look. He frequently talks to her – certain, that she understands his every word. He shares his sparse food with her (sandwiches, pizza etc.), holds and cuddles her frequently. He can’t stay mad at her, even though she scratches his face when scared.
==== Chris ====
Dan is very fond of Chris’ company, even when he doesn’t really need his assistance. He will go to all lengths to spend time with Chris and to have him for himself. Commonly he will call him to come over to his apartment to help out with his plots or drops by Chris’ place without prior notice. He will even drag Chris around while unconscious ([[S1E5]]). Despite his affection, he takes advantage of Chris for money, shelter, human shield, work force and as a chauffeur.
==== Elise ====
Dan often expresses how he wishes [[Elise]], Chris’ wife, would leave his friend. He is rude and talks down to her. At one point, he writes her on his revenge list, but crosses her name off because he deems her too dangerous. Dan is much more aware of her high-tech contraptions than Chris, however he never states or questions it. He will only team up with Elise when absolutely necessary and gets in her way from time to time, often while using her weapons without her consent.
==== Mechanic Mike ====
Dan rescued a cat from an animal shelter, who he named [[Mr. Mumbles]], probably unaware of her gender. This is later revealed to him by a [[Hobo|homeless man]], who shoves her into his face, belly first, supposedly so he could take a closer look. He frequently talks to her – certain, that she understands his every word. He shares his sparse food with her (sandwiches, pizza etc.), holds and cuddles her frequently. He can’t stay mad at her, even though she scratches his face when scared.
In one episode, we learn that Dan’s car is always fixed by [[Mechanic Mike]], a car enthusiast who works for free, as long as Dan pays for the spare parts. This beneficial relation is interrupted by Mechanic Mike ‘borrowing’ parts from Dan’s car, replacing them by common household items like a rubber band or a mixer ([[S3E4]]).
Dan kept his teddy bear Brutus into adulthood.
=== Lovers ===
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During the runtime of the show, Dan falls in love with three women and a sandwich.
==== Becky Barber ====
* As for [[Becky Barber|Becky]], we see her on a date with Dan and she agrees to meet him again. While getting a haircut in anticipation, it turns out that her father is the [[Barber|barber]] and he ruins Dan’s hair completely, causing him to go on a revenge trip on him and at the very end, his daughter, who never wants to see him again after this. ([[S1E14]])
* In one episode, he fantasizes about a turkey sandwich as his significant other, who leaves him because ‘it’s not working out’ ([[S1E17]]).
==== Turkey Sandwich ====
* In one episode, he fantasizes about a turkey[[Turkey sandwichSandwich]] as his significant other, who leaves him because ‘it’s not working out’ ([[S1E17]]).
==== Hortence ====
* The Burgerphile employee [[Hortence]] caught Dan’s attention, especially after staying by his side while protesting against bad restaurant service. It is clear that she is also impressed by his efforts. While not stated in the show, but by the official Facebook page, Hortence is underage. (link) However, Dan never gets to have a relationship with her, since she leaves the city for a promotion ([[S1E20]]). This is followed by her agreeing to marry [[Mr. Burger]], her boss. Dan stops this wedding, but less for moral or legal reasons, but for his own affection towards her. This doesn’t work out in his favor and Hortence is done with him. ([[S2E9]])
==== Honey O’Houlihan ====
* [[Honey O’Houlihan|Ms. Honey O’Houlihan]], who asks him to help retrieve her stolen cat, [[Poopsie]]. It turns out she was a fraud who staged the incident and even took [[Mr. Mumbles]] from him in the process, causing Dan to loose interest. ([[S2E10]])