
Revision as of 09:06, 15 September 2019 by Ragemachine (talk | contribs)
Full Name: unknown
Gender: Male
First appearance: Dan VS New Mexico
  • Books
  • Revenge
  • Stalking
Voice Actor:


The librarian reading a book on stalking.
His Masters degree, expired.


He is a very short-stacked man, wearing thick glasses and dressed in a red pullover, blue shirt and tie, as well as brown pants.

Career and Life

This man works at the front desk of one of the local libraries. He has a degree in "Masters of Library Scienences", which, unfortunately, has expired recently (2011). He is married, but his wife left him for another man. He sends out Chris and Dan to harm this man, but he gets ran over by a bus, instead.

Personality and Traits

A sarcastic, smart and vengeful man who uses a stack of books to be onto the same height as his customers are. This could be seen as a metaphor for him using books to elevate his person.


His intelligence and excellent memory allow him to have books featuring relevant themes at hand, instantly. He gives out a book on the dark secrets of New Mexico in S1E1 and one that contains info about Jeremiah Burger in S2E20.