Ninja Dave

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Full Name: (Ninja) Dave
Gender: Male
First appearance: Dan VS The Ninja
  • Baking
  • Ninjutsu
Voice Actor:


Ninja Dave in his ninja gear.
Ninja Dave at work.


Ninja Dave is a young man ether from Japan or with Japanese roots with black, spiky hair. On his first appearance, he is wearing a black ninja outfit, but later, a red shirt with his bake shop logo on it, a short apron, blue jeans and a white hat with the image of a cookie on it.

Career and Life

This ninja is the last member of the Koshugi Clan. As a member, he is a trained assassin and dedicated to stealing sweet bakery items. Ninja Dave himself also remembers Elise, dramatically, as an 'ancient enemy' and challenges her to a 1 on 1 combat.

Personality and Traits

Despite being fierce and extremely loyal, he is friendly to people he got to know better. We learn that he has an emotional side, as he is said to be 'in bed crying' when his business greatly suffers from the opening of the nearby Gigundo Mart, in S2E16. He is very passionate about cookies and will react violently if he tastes bad ones. He speaks with a strong Japanese accent.