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Great Great Grandfather Pearson: Difference between revisions

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* Based on the fact he would have been 'around 130' in 2011 he was likely born in the late 1870s. Based on looks he likely disappeared between 1900-1910 and returned between 1910-1920. When he died is nearly impossible to say, but it was likely in the late 1920s or early 1930s.
* His son, born in the nineteen oughts, was Chris's great grandfather and likely gave birth to Chris's grandfather in the late 1930s or early 1940s.
* His appearence in his younger years may have been a reference to the Monty Python 'Lumberjack' sketch. This is further backed by his 'odd' love related habits.
* Oddly enough, his yeti marriage ring was on his hands before getting lost. This either means he had already begun having relations with the yeti(likely, considering his frequent visits to the woods and the fact seeing the ring immediately confirmed to Chris he was a yeti lover) OR it was a family ring he had previously used to mark his marriage to his wife(backed up by the timeline, and the fact it alligns with Dan's story. Dan is usually right)
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