Head Theatre Actor

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The Head Theatre actor is....well, the head actor of the Ye Olde Shakespeare Dinner Theatre. He is consistently portrayed as an egotistical, self centered jerk, under the delusion he's a famous actor. Despite working a lowly role at a struggling dinner theatre, he seems convinced he has an army of adoring fans.

Events of episode

He is seen at the start of the episode, preforming a rendition of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', playing the role of Romeo with Tye playing Juliet. He quickly calls out Dan for interrupting the play. Shortly after Dan is kicked out, he is seen with Tye, buffing his own ego further and complaining about his soda(tossing it on Dan's head, triggering him to declare revenge)

He leads the tomato wielding mob that throws Dan off the stage during his first break in, rallying the whole crew(with the notable exception of the Theatre Owners) against Dan.